Sealing Flues: Techniques
When you’re sealing any kind of opening on a heating device (a furnace, water heater, or a chimney), you’ll need to pay special attention to the material you use to seal the flue as well as the building codes that regulate clearance. Per Energy Star, building codes typically require that there is a 1-inch clearance from metal flues, as these flue pipes become incredibly hot, from any combustible material like insulation. Energy Star also suggests specific material for flues, vents, and pipes on varying heating equipment:- Furnaces and water heaters: should have pipes made of galvanized metal and sealed with aluminum flashing and high-temperature silicon caulking.
- Chimney: should have pipes made from masonry or metal and in similar fashion, be sealed with aluminum flashing and high-temperature silicon caulking.
- Plumbing: should have piping comprised of cast iron or PVC and be sealed with expanding foam or caulking depending on the gap.